Program - English

Civil society contributions to truth and reconciliation in the settlement of the Norwegianization policy



1030-1130            Registration

1130-1230            Lunch


Session 1: A kairos moment for people-to-people reconciliation in Norway?

1230-1235     Practical information

1235-1245           Opening prayer

1245-1250           Welcome to VID Specialized University, by principal Bård Mæland

1250-1300           Opening of the conference, by Church of Norway representatives. Moderator of the Sami Church Council Sara Ellen Anne Eira, and moderator of the National Council of Church of Norway, Kristin Gunleiksrud Raaum. 

1310-1325         Unpacking the conference theme, by Assoc. Prof. Tore Johnsen, KUN/VID Tromsø

1325-1340          Coffee break


Session 2: Practice-based stories: Eye-openers and new beginnings

1340-1440           Presentations and interaction with audience

  • «Conversations about identity». Experiences from the student ministry at UiT, Tromsø. Student chaplain Tor Stranda, and leader of Sami Students Union, Northern Norway, Eli Karianne Vesterheim Hætta.
  • Reconciliation from a Kven perspectice, Nora Marie Ollila Sandmo, Ruijjan Kvääniliitto / Norwegian Kven Association
  • Reconciliation and the Forest Finns, Dag Raaberg, director Museum for forest finn culture in Norway
  • An obstacle to the majority society? Paul Bendikk Jåma, moderator of the Sámi congregation of the South Sámi area

1440-1500            Coffee break


Session 3: Reconciliation as a public responsibility

1500-1600           Panel discussion with Runar Myrnes Balto, member of Sami Parliament Council, NRK Kvääni journalist Laila Lanes, Sámi artist Joar Nango, former leader of the Norwegian Kven Association, Hilja Huru, and Aftenposten commentator Harald Stanghelle. Panel moderator: Assist. Prof. Line Skum, KUN/VID Tromsø

1600-1615            Coffee break


Session 4: A Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace. An ecumenical conversation


Panel discussion with Presiding Bishop Olav Fykse Tveit, Church of Norway, leder i Samiska rådet i Svenska kyrkan, Erik Oscar Oscarsson, Bishop of Greenland Paneeraq Siegstad Munk. Moderator is Seforosa Carroll, Mission from the Margins/Ecumenical Indigenous Peoples Network, World Council of Churches

1730-1900            Dinner, canteen at VID Oslo (Diakonhjemmet)

2000                      Evening service in Trefoldighetskirken. (Trinity Church) Bishop Olav Fykse Tveit preaches at the service. Greetings from Dagfinn Høybråten, Chair of the Norwegian TRC.

2100                    Church coffee. 





Session 1: Master narratives naturalizing the hierarchy of the Norwegianization policy

0900-0905           Cultural contribution, Vegard Bjørsmo, pianist Tobias Paulsen

0905-0910           Introducing the conference day

0910-0940           The Nordic-Germanic master race narrative in the cradle of the Norwegianization policy: Perceptions of the Norwegian “we” as a premise for subordinating “the other”. By Assoc. Prof. Jon Røyne Kyllingstad, Section for Museum of University and Science History, University of Oslo       

0940-1010           Norwegianisation, colonization, and the need for theological decolonization. By Assoc. Prof. Tore Johnsen, VID Tromsø

1010-1030           Coffee break     

1030-1130           Decolonizing Norwegian master narratives as a research challenge. Multi-disciplinary panel discussion. Panelists: Assoc. Prof. Per Kristian Aschim, Norwegian School of Theology; Prof. Em. Kirsti Strøm Bull, Faculty of Law, UiO; Doctor of history Steinar Pedersen; Prof. Aud Valborg Tønnesen, Theological Faculty, University of Oslo. Panel moderator: Gyrid Gunnes, Assoc. Prof., VID Sandnes. 

1130-1230          Lunch


Session 2: The role and possibilities of civil society in public reconciliation processes

1230-1250           “Truth and reconciliation in Norway”: Reflections on a feature article, its reception, and beyond. By PhD candidate Elin Monstad, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen

1250-1310          Civil society interaction and relations in the TRC process: Findings from the TRUCOM research. By Prof. Kjell Ole Kjærland Olsen, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway

1310-1330           Human rights as a point of connection for civil society involvement in public reconciliation. By Prof. Hans Morten Haugen, VID Specialized University

1340-1410           Trading justice for peace? Reframing reconciliation in TRC processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic countries (book launch), By Prof. Sigríður Guðmarsdóttir, VID Stavanger / University of Iceland, Dr. Paulette Regan, Canada, and Dr. Demaine Solomons, University of the Western Cape

1410-1430           Coffee break


Session 3: Knowledge institutions and truth & reconciliation – situatedness and responsibility

1430-1450           Historical justice as a new discourse in historical research: Experiences and insights from the Church of Sweden's white paper project. By Prof. Daniel Lindmark, Umeå University

1500-1600           Panelists: Rev. Dr. Ray Aldred, Director of Indigenous Studies Program, Vancouver School of Theology; Prof. Tomas Sundnes Drønen, Dean at Faculty of Theology, Diaconia, and Leadership Studies, VID; Prof. John Klaasen, Head of Department of Religion and Theology, University of the Western Cape; Commissioner Anne Julie Semb, the Norwegian Truth and Reconciliation Commission; Laila Susanne Vars, Indigenous rights expert and Principle at Sámi Allaskuvla/Sámi University College. Panel moderator: Prof. Carola Lingaas, VID Oslo

1600-1615    Closing of conference. By Kristin Gunleiksrud Raaum, moderator of CoN National Council, and Bernd Krupka, center director of KUN / VID Tromsø


Kontaktinformasjon for Samisk kirkeråd - Sámi girkoráđđi - Sáme girkoráde - Saemien gærhkoeraerie

Haakon VII gate 5
9011 Tromsø




Samisk kirkeråd
Postboks 799 Sentrum
0106 Oslo


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Emil Tan Engeset

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